Create sweet custom piano arrangements that tells your story.

We arrange and write custom piano music that’s unique to you

No matter the genre of music, Michelle has a knack for re-crafting anyone’s favourite tune into a sweet piano version. She’s managed to turn punk riffs to ambient techno beats to tik-tok videos into event-worthy solo piano tracks.

Coming from an unconventional music background, being classically trained as a pianist, to being a drummer in a post-punk band, as well as being a die-hard karaoke fan, Michelle loves all genres of song requests. She can tie together classics like Pachelbel’s “Canon in D”, Taylor Swift pop songs, your fave Disney soundtrack, to obscurities like B52’s “Rock Lobster”.

Commission a unique piano cover for wedding ceremonies

Walk down the aisle to a song that’s meaningful to you! Michelle has worked with couples to arrange a wedding march that’s unique and memorable.

Custom tracks can be single songs or several songs to create a mashup. More than a basic cover of the song, your commissioned piano track is written specifically for your wedding party to walk to. It’s also written to time with your specific number of participants in the bridal party, and for your arrival at the altar. This creates a lovely and well-timed bridal entrance that isn’t possible with a pre-recorded track.

Custom piano music for other events

Weddings, parties, funerals, or just for the hell of it. I’m happy to work with music lovers and open to the challenge of any obscure song request!

Custom tracks can also be arranged for other instruments and multiple players, if yourself or others would like to play too as a duet or trio.

Have a piano song in mind?

We’ve made it easy to get a custom quote and book in your event pianist asap

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